

Friday, October 9, 2015

Site 3: Siento El Miedo (I Feel the Fear)

Site 3- Familias Separadas/ Se Siente el Miedo
Location- 9th and Washington Avenue, Philadelphia

Despite making up only 75% of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., Latinos represent 97% of immigrants deported. This criminalization of Latinos has created a deportation machine that profits off the detention and deportation of the immigrant community.

Cruz rides his bicycle to work everyday through Washington Avenue. Due to the financial needs of his family, he left his home in Mexico at age 14 to be on his own and start working. He has worked hard through 20 plus years in the United States. While working one day, he was detained by ICE, completed his 4 month probation, and had to report himself for one full year to their offices.

His portrait lays on Washington Avenue along the pathway of the 9th Street Market, a home to immigrant families for over 100 years. He speaks about how this city was a symbol of freedom and now it feels more like a prison.

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